What I’m Doing Now
Updated Feb 10th, 2024, from Chicago.
41 days of 2024
- Finished working on VenezolanosPodcast.com. Read the story of how and why I made it. Super proud of the website/design and, I'm glad it exists!!!
- The Jailbroken Guide to the University! 50,000 words?!! How? I don't know. But it's coming along. Every day in the morning. I'm posting updates on LinkedIn. Want to know when it's out? Join the newsletter.
- Currently, I'm thinking I will publish one specific for UIUC and one general for any college student. This is taking way longer than I expected, but I finally found the right pace, and now it's just a matter of showing up every day, and that I can do.
- Just published an episode with Marie Arana, and more coming!!!
What I've been reading or learning
- I recently met Alan Alop, a retired lawyer who wrote a historial fiction about Chicago and baseball. I've been loving his book so far, particularly the history of the city. It really feels like I'm there.
- I have been taking a Yale Finance Theory, and it's an absolute gem! The biggest takeaway has been understanding Fischer, present value, where the rule of 72 (the math behind it) comes from, how to calculate the value of a bond, and so much more.
What else...
Ciao, ciao, ciao!
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